Information about Acti9 iCT 63A 4P 4NA modular contactor
This Acti9 iCT is a modular contactor. It is a 4P remote control device with 4 normally open contacts. The rated current is 63 A for AC-7a and 20A for AC-7b. The nominal operating voltage Ue is 400VAC. The control voltage Uc is 220VAC to 240VAC. This device could be used for control circuits. This device can be used for remote switching of small motors (fans, mixers) or HVAC system applications. This product complies with the IEC/EN 61095 standard. The electrical endurance reaches 10,000 cycles for AC-7A or AC-1, 30,000 cycles for AC-7C, AC-7B, AC-3, AC-5A or AC-5B. The maximum switching operations are 100 per day. The nominal insulation voltage Ui is 500VAC. The nominal impulse withstand voltage Uimp is 4 kV. The pollution degree is 2. It is mountable on a DIN rail. Its width is 6 modules of 9 mm. The product color is white (RAL9003). The dimensions are (W) 85mm x (H) 54mm x (D) 60mm. According to the IEC 60529 standard, the degree of protection is IP20 and IP40 in the enclosure. The operating temperature is -5°C to 60°C. The storage temperature is -40°C to 70°C.