How do I know if my account is PRO?
We provide several options for you to check if your account is PRO:

  • Check your email inbox and look for emails from GroupSumi ([email protected]). If you are PRO, we will have sent you a confirmation email stating that your account has been approved.
  • If on our website you see that the GroupSumi logo is orange with a black card indicating "PRO", then your account is PRO. You will also see other details such as the add to cart and checkout buttons in orange.
  • Check the PRO section in My Account to know the status of your registration.
  • If you see that the prices on the product page are displayed without taxes, then your account is PRO.
... if none of the above options apply to your account, then it means that your account is probably not PRO. Remember that you can always consult our support team for more information about your account.
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